

Deviation Actions


Literature Text

Chap. 2: War Counsel
Ming Sin Fou was not pleased. "You were beaten by a girl?" she shrieked. "And this girl then took Tam from you?"

"She was no ordinary girl mistress," replied the Dark Warrior. "She threw me a league with but a scream."

"A scream?" Ming replied. "Never have I heard of such power." Her brow furrowed with worry. "Enough" she said. "You have told me enough, return to the darkness I brought you from until you are needed again."

"Yes Mistress," and with that he vanished, as though he were made of smoke. Ming sat back in her throne of polished jade and thought for a moment. She then traced a circle of fire in the air. "Kyojitsu, Black Arrow," she called into the circle. "Appear." The archer's masked face appeared in the circle.

"You have summoned me mistress?" said Black Arrow. Ming nodded, gracefully. "Yes, Black Arrow," she said. "I have a task for your sharp arrows and your tracking skills."

"Is he all right Cat?" asked Jazz. Cat listened to Tam's body sounds with ease, his heart was strong and he was breathing well. "He'll be alright Serena," Cat grinned as she unhooked one of the hooks in her bra. Jazz scowled at her. "Keep that up me bucko and no more Sailor Moon tapes."

"Okay, okay," grinned Cat. "So tell us more about this black clad sword swinger." Jazz looked at her. "It was really weird," Jazz replied. "It was like one minute he was there, swinging his sword, and then bamph, he was gone."

"Wow," said Didi, bringing in a Coke for Jazz. "That is weird, so what do you think they want with this kid?"

"Search me," said Jazz. "The guy in black said that they were after his power, and that they had his sister. Maybe this kid is some kind of prince, or something."

"Or something," said Cat. "Whenever I get near him, it's like the room becomes full of static. I must have shark senses or something, but it feels like I'm standing beside a big static charged balloon." Didi placed her hand on Tam's bare arm. "I can feel it as well," she exclaimed. "Probably not as much as Cat, but it's definitely there." Josie reached over to touch Tam's bare foot, he stirred at her touch and opened his eyes.

Tam's head hurt. He had been having nightmares about Tom Petty, and shadows with swords when he felt someone tickle the bottom of his foot. He opened his eyes slowly, to discover that he was surrounded by girls. They were very pretty, not very full figured, but pretty none the less. "Wha-, where am I," Tam slurred. His head spun suddenly as he tried to sit up."

"You're in my parent's backyard garage," said a voice from behind. Tam relaxed, he wasn't Ming's prisoner, yet. "After you got tossed in the trash I brought you here," said another of the girls. They all introduced themselves to Tam.

"What was that thing that was chasing you?" asked Jazz. Tam slowly sat up with out his head spinning and began his story.

"My name is Sang Van Tam, I am of the land of the Fox and the Seagull. For centuries, members of my family have been able to tap into a great well of power. Doing so gives us abilities that no one else has, except for maybe in a comic book."

"Wanna bet," said Josie, under her breath. Didi frogged her arm.

"Those that have the greatest of these abilities, are those who are born twin brother and sister," Tam continued. "My sister Jinn was kidnapped three days ago, by Ming Sin Fou, she is the ghost of a powerful sorceress, and she wants the power that my sister and I possess, and somehow I have to stop her. I am almost out of power as it is, and I can't recharge without my sister."

"Girls we have just stepped into a John Carpenter movie," quipped Josie. Everybody giggled, including the bed Tam was resting on. "Why is my bed shaking?" Tam asked. "And why does my bed have a navel?" Tam slipped his finger into the hole and rubbed it around the rim.

"Don't do that," said Lydia. "I'm ticklish, very ticklish." Tam's eyes bulged in their sockets, he was sleeping on one of the girls. He accidentally stroked his finger down one side of the 'bed' he was laying on and started a chain reaction. "Oh no!" cried Lydia as she started to giggle. Tam held on for dear life as his 'bed' began to swell and roll like a bowl of bread dough. Before his back touched the ceiling, Tam slid down the other side of the bed causing Lydia to laugh even harder. She began to grow out of control until Didi massaged her shoulders and got her calmed down to just a few giggles.

"Sorry," said Josie. "We should have warned you. When Lydia gets the giggles, she can't control her shape. She just starts twisting out of control, but she's never done that before." Tam placed his hand on Lydia's swollen side and tried gently not to tickle her. "Amazing," he said. "But how is it that you have such power?"

"Didi made a wish on her birthday," explained Jazz. "And it came true. It's a lot of fun even without the bad guys." She hooked up her bra, and grew into her super form. "We each have a different colored bra that gives us each a different power. You got a taste of mine in the alley." Jazz then blushed slightly. "Sorry about that."

"That was you?" said Tam. "You sing very prettily." He smiled at her.

Didi stepped out of the garage for a minute. Josie followed her. "Ok Fearless Leader, what do we do?"

"We help him get his sister back of course," Didi replied. "But we have never fought against other supers before. This one is making me a little nervous."

"I know what you mean," Josie replied. "That black swordsman gives me the creeps. I wonder if they all can do that?"

"What, teleport?" asked Didi. Josie nodded. "Probably, if their boss is a ghost of some kind, then the rest of them may be ghosts as well. I just hope they don't know where we are."

Thunk. A six-foot arrow buried itself into the garage's cinder block wall. "Back inside quick." Didi shouted. Josie dove back inside followed by Didi. Another arrow thunked its way into the garage's concrete floor. "It's her archer," said Tam. "The Black Arrow."

Cat hooked up her bra, and swelled into her super strong form. She then crossed her legs into a lotus position and concentrated. "He's on that tall roof across the street," Cat reported. "The one with the green shingles." Cat wrinkled her nose. "Ugh, he smells like mildew or rot."

"He is a ghost, then," said Tam. "Like the Dark Warrior. His arrows are no doubt supernatural as well."

"Then it's a job for me, then," said Josie, and then she vanished.

Black Arrow chooses his next shot with care. He selects a long arrow with a glob of poison smoke potion on the end. Letting to two girls escape into the building was part of his plan, now to get them out so he could grab Tam, as well as see how many of these super powered girls there were. Black Arrow pulls out his tinderbox to light the glob of smoke potion.

"Gotta light?" Black Arrow jumps at the voice behind him. One of the girls had snuck up behind him, and he didn't even hear her. Black Arrow launches into a flip over her head, at the same time drawing one of his special arrows from his quiver. He nocks the arrow, it has a wide cutting blade in the shape of a crescent moon, and fires it at her.

She vanished. The arrow passed over where she was standing and clattered to the ground. He leaned over slightly to see what happened, and got a strong kick in the butt. The Black Arrow rolled down the slanted roof swearing a blue streak of Vietnamese expletives before landing on the ground with a heavy thud.

"Had enough?" Somehow the girl had beaten him to the ground. The Black Arrow's ribs ached from where he had hit the ground, but he still managed to get the drop on Josie. As he drew back his bow, it and the arrow warped and twisted in his hands. Then his weapon wrapped itself around the Black Arrow, binding him tightly. "Nice work Lydia," said the girl.
chapter two
© 2005 - 2024 AlexiStrigoii
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BellyDemon's avatar
Nice! Would it be possible to add coding to suggest paragraph breaks, to improve readability? I like the story thus far. I'm looking forward to future chapters! :) :fuzzydemon: